Registration closes October 15, 2024.
Lodging is available at the Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, VT.
Please note, to make room reservations, call 800-826-7000 ext: 1 and mention you are with the NEMO/SOMENS group. The group rate is available until 10/15/24.
It’s recommended to make reservations in advance for dinner-on-your-own in the dining room on Tuesday 5 November after 5 PM. Those can be made online via OpenTable or by calling reservations at 800-826-7000 ext: 1
Here are some other nearby lodging options:
Welcome reception and buffet dinner (Main Lodge Dining Room)
Social and networking (Hospitality Suite)
Group buffet breakfast (Main Lodge Dining Room)
Welcome and meeting logistics – Aaron Weiskittel & Bryan Foster (Mozart Room)
Keynote – Kim Iles (Mozart Room)
Student oral presentations (Mozart Room)
Aboveground biomass estimation in Brazil – Thomas Harris, Yale
Genetic improvement in growth and yield models – Mariano Trachta, NCSU
Optimal site selection models for eastern cottonwood and black willow – Quentin Boccaleri, MSU
Improving precision in forest inventory through small area estimation for loblolly pine plantations in coastal Georgia – Bipana Subedi, VT
Morning break
Student oral presentations (Mozart Room)
Accurate prediction of tree survival in loblolly pine – Dinuka Senevirathne, UGA
Different approaches for diameter distributions in loblolly pine plantations in the western gulf region – Gabriel Maciel, UGA
Accurate quantification of the density-growth relationships – Emmerson Chivhenge, UMaine
Teak plantation diameter distribution modeling – Olakunle Ogunyemi, SUNY
Small area estimation in areas of high sample non-response in the USFS FIA inventory – Bergit Uhran, UT
Loblolly pine plantations’ response to different fertilization rates in varying vegetation control – Iván Raigosa-García, NCSU
Student oral presentations (Mozart Room)
Determination of spatial variation in forest productivity in the southeastern USA using a climate productivity index – Deborah Ugaldes, UGA
FIADB direct – An R/RStudio server interface for efficient FIA data access and analysis – Aakriti Sapkota, VT
Assessing the long-term effect of thinning on stand dynamics using Weibull distribution – Segun Adedapo, UGA
Remotely sensed canopy and litterfall trends of longleaf pine plantations in southern Georgia – Noah Shephard, UGA
Height-diameter models for pantropical forests – Tara Skiba, UT
Pruning effect on live crown ratio model for intensively managed loblolly pine plantation – Kamana Parajuli, VT
Afternoon break
Student oral presentations (Mozart Room)
Height-diameter model and yield projection differences under throughfall exclusion and fertilization treatments on a loblolly pine plantation in the southeast US – Lainey Paulus, UGA
Modeling dominant height using stand, soil characteristics, and water balance variables for loblolly pine in the West Gulf of the US – Simón Sandoval, UGA
Testing Fay-Herriot inferences from US national forest inventory county-level estimates of live tree aboveground biomass – Qianqian Cao, VT
Capturing longleaf pine plantation productivity in the southeastern US with linear and non-linear models including environmental co-variables – Hyatt Tripp, UGA
General oral presentations (Mozart Room)
PyFIA: A comprehensive tool for basic statistical operations to more advanced analyses for FIA data – Xinyuan Wei, UMaine
A framework for quantitative sugarbush silviculture – John Foppert, Paul Smith
Revised equations and algorithms for the Acadian Variant of FVS – Greg Johnson, Johnson Biom. LLC
Benchmarking forest growth models in New England – Ben Rice, Midgard Nat. Resources
Poster flash talks (Mozart Room)
Poster session (Bierhall Observ. Deck)
Live acoustic folk fiddlers
Group buffet dinner (Main Lodge Dining Room)
Trapp family history recounted by family member
Social and networking (Hospitality Suite)
Group buffet breakfast (Main Lodge Dining Room)
General oral presentations (Mozart Room)
Modeling stand growth of Chinese fir plantations – Quang Cao, LSU
Adoption of RD for optimizing management in New England – Ryan Smith, SILC
The Acadian Growth Model (AGM): Evolution, design, and implementation – Ian Prior, SILC
Fertilization under uncertainty: A stochastic programming model for forest management – Stephen Kinane, UGA
Point sampling considerations – Corey Green, VT
Are delayed harvests and extended rotations for maximizing carbon?
– Bruno Kanieski da Silva, UGA
Influence of genetic improvement and vegetation control on the growth and productivity of coastal plain loblolly pine – Túlio Barroso Queiroz, UGA
Red spruce taper and volume in the Appalachian Mountains – Steven Morrone, VT
Morning break
General oral presentations (Mozart Room)
A continuous forest inventory for New Hampshire state lands – Ken Desmarais, NH Division of Forests & Lands
Variability in pine growth responses to site-preparation methods in the lower coastal plain of the southeastern US – Dehai Zhao, UGA
A new, continuous diameter distribution function in honor of Bill Leak – Mark Ducey, University of New Hampshire
Using site index curves to estimate individual tree height growth – Mike Strub, Retired
Mike Strub Challenge, Student Presentation, Lifetime Achievement, and Early Career Awards (Mozart Room)
NEMO/SOMENS business meeting (Mozart Room)
Optional field tour (Trapp forest)
Lower mountain group (with Ali Kosiba) & upper mountain group (with Allan Thompson)
Part of group departs for airport & remaining lower & upper mountain groups switch locations
Lower mountain group (with Ali Kosiba) & upper mountain group (with Allan Thompson)
Field trip concludes (Main Lodge)