2025 Hawaiʻi Native Plant Growers’ Meeting


The Hawaiʻi Native Plant Growers’ Meeting is a USDA Forest Service facilitated, Hawaiʻi nursery guided, meeting for advancing the interests of Hawaiʻi growers’ involved with plant and tree production in nurseries.

The target audience and participants are nursery managers and technicians.

Meetings will rotate between the four largest Hawaiian Islands and meet on an annual basis. We will strive to visit at least one nursery per meeting and have a mixture of presentations and small hui discussions. Please join us as we gather, share knowledge, and learn from one another!

Click here to fill out the post-event survey (Google Form)

Nursery Tour Video (YouTube)


Registration is currently closed for this event.



Event Agenda

Monday, Feb. 3

**All Monday activities (except the 3:00-5:00pm optional nursery talkstory etc.) need a registration RSVP, please only attend if you signed up during the online registration.

Location for Monday morning sessions provided to those who RSVP’d for this event.


8:00-9:30am – Fern Propagation Demo and Talkstory Round 1
10:00-11:30am – Fern Propagation Demo and Talkstory Round 2 12:45pm – Round 1 Volcano Rare Plant Facility folks arrive
  • Round 2 and Round 3 please arrive 15 minutes before your assigned tour start time (i.e., 1:25pm or 2:05pm)
1:00-1:40pm – Tour of Volcano Rare Plant Facility Round 1
1:40-2:20pm – Tour of Volcano Rare Plant Facility Round 2
2:20-3:00pm – Tour of Volcano Rare Plant Facility Round 3
3:00-5:00pm – Nursery talkstory, protocol writing, reviewing nursery needs. Location Kīlauea Military Camp ʻŌhiʻa Room
6:00pm – Group dinnerS at Uncle George’s Lounge at Volcano House (Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, 1 Crater Rim Drive Pāhoa, HI 96718) OR Kīlauea Lodge and Restaurant (19-3948 Old Volcano Road Volcano, HI 96785)
  • Given the great problem of many people marking interest in group dinners during registration, the plan is to go to two different restaurants and lighten the load for Uncle George’s Lounge and Kīlauea Lodge. Please be prepared to be patient at these restaurants since we will be a larger influx of diners and neither accepts multiple table reservations. Dinner costs will be covered by each individual.
Tuesday, Feb. 4
7:45am – Kīlauea Military Camp ʻŌhiʻa Room doors open with coffee
8:00-8:30am – E komo mai, meeting overview, RNGR team overview
8:30-9:15am – Introductions. Kākou, please quickly share your name and affiliation
9:15-9:30 – Presentation 1: Tiffany Lum – O’ahu DOFAW Rare Plant Nurseries
9:30-9:45 – Presentation 2: Ethan Romanchak – Maui Native Nursery
9:45-10:00am – Break
10:00-10:45am – Breakout hui Round 1
  • See plant on name tag and find your fellow plant people
  • Go around your circle and share one success and one challenge you’re currently facing in your nursery. Take time to discuss, potentially problem solve, share. Please make sure everyone has the chance to share
  • Designated notetaker will record, synthesize shares, and prepare to report back to the whole hui
10:45-11:30am – Whole hui discussion
  • Primary shares will come from the designated notetakers, if there is time, other participants can elaborate
11:30am-12:30pm – Lunch
  • Box sandwich lunches provided, vegetarian option available, but no other dietary restriction options – sorry!
12:30-1:00pm – Breakout hui Round 2
  • See letter on name tag and find your fellow letter people
  • Work on or discuss a specific topic of interest (assigned hui are based answers to the registration questions)
  • Again, please make sure everyone has the chance to share
  • Designated notetaker will record, synthesize shares, and prepare to report back to the whole hui
1:00-1:30pm –  Whole hui discussion
  • Primary shares will come from the designated notetakers, if there is time, other participants can elaborate
1:30-1:45pm – Presentation 3: Hayley Walcher – National Tropical Botanical Garden
1:45-2:00pm – Wrap up
2:00-2:15pm – Drive to HAVO and TMA nurseries
  • There will be three KMC vans, potentially a UH van, and then carpool to reduce vehicle traffic
2:15-4:45pm – Nursery tours
  • Divide into two hui, one hui per nursery
  • Switch nurseries at 3:05pm to start the next tour at 3:15pm
4:45pm – Pau!
  • Please take the survey so we can improve next year and offer content that is of interest to you!
6:30pm – Group dinner at Lava Lounge at Kīlauea Military Camp. Lava Lounge was given an estimated number of attendees based on registration RSVP. If more people decide to attend, please be patient with Lava Lounge staff. Dinner costs will be covered by each individual.