2025 Western Mensurationists Annual Meeting

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About This Event

Registration now open for the 2025 Western Mensurationists’ meeting in Moscow, Idaho June 15-17. The theme is “Advancements in Digital Forestry, Mensuration, and Biometrics Across the Forest Supply Chain”.


Call For Abstracts

The call for abstracts is open for the 2025 Western Mensurationists’ meeting in Moscow, Idaho June 15-17.  The general theme is “Advancements in Digital Forestry, Mensuration, and Biometrics Across the Forest Supply Chain”.  We are inviting individuals to submit abstracts for traditional talks, science flashes, or poster presentations.  We encourage submissions that relate broadly to the use of Machine Learning, Remote Sensing, and Virtual Reality in the creation of Digital Forest Twins that aid in quantifying forest populations.  However, topics for abstracts are open to all aspects of mensuration — forest measurements, modeling, inventory, growth and yield, planning, analysis, etc.

Abstracts should be less than 750 words.  The due date for submission of abstracts is Friday, March 28.

Abstracts can be submitted online HERE.  Please be sure to select the format best suited for your presentation (traditional oral, science flash oral, or poster).

Any questions should be addressed to Mark Kimsey via email.


Western Mensurationists Lifetime Achievements Award

“Western Mensurationists Lifetime Achievement Award” honors scientists that contributed significantly to the quantitative aspects of the western North American forestry. The award aims at senior researchers that are associated with the Western Mensurationists group and have shaped the forest research of/from the western region of the USA and Canada.  The award is given only once to an individual. The selection process starts by ranking the scientists according to the number of nominations from fellows mensurationists. The person with the largest number of nominations is then validated by the Lifetime Achievement award committee.

Please submit your nomination for the 2025 Award by clicking HERE.


Call for Kim Iles Mathematical Challenge Submissions

In 2009 two SOMENS fellows, Lewis Jordan and Ray Souter, started the Mike Strub Challenge contest, to honor Mike Strub’s inquisitory mind, tenacity in pursuing forest related questions, and not the least, its kindness. Western Mensurationists decided to mirror this passion for numerical forestry with a challenge of its own. Therefore, starting with 2023, the Kim Iles Mathematical Challenge was launched in Canmore AB, Canada. The challenge bears the name of Kim Iles who can be considered the epitome of a forest mensurationist: integrated within the environment, considerate toward nature and humans,  comprehensive in endeavor, inquisitorial in scientific pursue, wise in recommendations, and Shakespearian in expressing. Different from SOMENS, the Western Mens challenge has two parts one for theoretical and one practical.

We seek challenging submissions from the Mensurationist community by April 18, which can be submitted HERE.

After review, the committee will select a theoretical and practical challenge and call for solutions. Solutions can be submitted HERE by May 16.  The winner will receive a certificate and a check for $100.


Society of American Foresters CFE Credits

Meeting attendees will be eligible for credits through the Society of American Foresters.


  • In-Person Conference Registration: $295
  • On-Line Conference Registration: $150 (Zoom links will be provided upon registration)
  • Optional Sunday, June 15th Field Trip: $50 (limited to 40 seats)

Venue & Lodging

Rooms are available at the Best Western University Inn for June 15 and 16 at $149/night. Reservations may be made via the reservations link or by calling 208-882-0550 and mentioning the group (Western Mensurationists Conference).

Please use the link or call directly as travel websites and the general Best Western International reservations site will not have information regarding the group rate.

When using the link, please confirm your arrival and departure dates at the top of the first page. If the link is showing no availability or you are unable to book your requested room type, please call the hotel directly. The link will expire after May 15th, 2025.

The room block and special rates will be held until May 15, 2025. At that time, any unreserved rooms will be released for general reservations. Reservations may continue to be made after this date on a space available basis.

For information on the hotel, please visit Best Western Plus University Inn

For visitor’s information, please visit https://moscowchamber.com/

Other Lodging Options Near Moscow, Idaho: Microsoft Bing Travel – Stays in Moscow

Event Agenda

Sunday 6/15

Optional Field Trip (limited to 40 seats)

5 p.m. – Social

Monday 6/16

7 a.m. – Meeting

12 p.m. – Lunch

1 p.m. – Meeting

6 p.m. – Dinner

Tuesday 6/17

7 a.m. – Meeting

12 p.m. – Lunch