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We can bring your conference or workshop idea to life.
A successful event requires a variety of tasks and WFCA can assist you in making everything run smoothly. We have over 25 years’ experience in all aspects of professional continuing education and can do as little or as much as you need to support your activities.
When working with WFCA, we set up a division of labor whereby you do what you have time for and we picks up the remaining activities to produce a well-received event.

Clients & Affiliated Organizations
WFCA works with many forestry organizations. Because of our availability to continually engage in cost-share agreements, many conferences can be held and publications edited, printed, and distributed.
Washington State SFI Implementation Committee
- WASIC promotes and fosters an understanding of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative and promotes sustainable forestry practices on all forestlands in the state. The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) program is a comprehensive system of principles, objectives, and performance measures developed by professional foresters, conservationists, and scientists that combines the perpetual growing and harvesting of trees with the long-term protection of wildlife, plants, soil, and water quality.
Woodland Fish & Wildlife Group
- The Woodland Fish and Wildlife Project produces guides for private woodland owners on managing fish and wildlife. With nearly 30 publications to date, their library covers topics ranging from forest pollinators, migrant songbirds, wildfires, small mammals, and wetlands. Learn more about the Woodland Fish & Wildlife Group’s history here.
Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources (RNGR)
- The U.S. Forest Service’s RGNR is a leading source of information for nurseries and land managers for the growth and planting of trees and native plants. It is also the main umbrella for the nursery and container growers’ groups and publications, including the Tree Planters’ Notes.
Inland Empire Tree Improvement Co-op (IETIC)
- IETIC is a collection of 19 groups across Washington, Idaho, and Montana. This assembly of federal and state agencies, Native American tribes, the forestry industry, and local universities aims to produce genetically improved conifer seeds for healthy and productive forests.
Forest Mensurationists
- Forest mensuration provides quantitative information about forest composition, structure, and goods and services. This is necessary for forest management, planning and research. Forest Mensurationists is an umbrella group for the Growth Model User’s Group, Operational Lidar & Inventory, Southern Mensurationists, Western Mensurationists, and Northeastern Mensurationists.
Western Forest Economists
- WFE is a non-profit group that provides opportunities for forest economists to discuss current research, issues, and trends. WFE hosts a meeting each year with topics ranging from wildfire and forest carbon discussions to bioenergy and bioproducts, public lands issues, innovations in the forestry industry, markets and trade, and climate change.
Council on Forest Engineering
- COFE is an international professional organization that fosters the development of forest engineering in industry, government, and education to promote the best methods of managing and operating both public and private forests. COFE disseminates technical information about forest engineering and is the umbrella group for the Southern, Western, and New England Regional COFE groups.
Operational Lidar & Inventory (OLI)
- OLI is focused on relaying information on the operational or near-operational usage of remote sensing technologies to forest managers. These technologies are used in determining forest inventory and mapping applications. OLI operations can range from remote sensing inventories with inventory software to growth projections for lidar-based tree lists, or species prediction. OLI is a subgroup of Forest Mensurationists.
Growth Model User’s Group (GMUG)
- GMUG brings together many of the leading regional characters and first-time users to discuss and learn about building, improving, and applying growth models in their work. These include the development of new models, data processing tools, inventory modeling, multistage modeling, and more. GMUG is a subgroup of Forest Mensurationists.
Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine Conservation Association
- In 1994, the Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine Conservation Association was organized to conserve the genetic resources of the Willamette Valley race. This nonprofit group works with the OSU Extension Service, the Oregon Department of Forestry, and several private groups to carry out their program. In 2000, they established the Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine seeding orchard at the Oregon Department of Forestry Schroeder Seed Orchard. in 2000 the Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine seeding orchard at the Oregon Department of Forestry Schroeder Seed Orchard near St Paul.